Multiplication Marbles

Multiplication Marbles
(UNAVAILABLE) Have fun while practicing multiplication fact families. Practice all the fact families (1 - 12) in one game or choose which fact families to practice. Your goal is to collect as many marbles as you can by sliding then selecting the trapdoors with two factors that multiply to make the number on the marble.
Archived App
This app is no longer available on the App Store. If you have it currently installed, it will continue to run and you can re-download the app while restoring from an iCloud or iTunes backup. It may find its way back to the App Store one day, so check back soon for all the latest news.
Multiplication Fact Families
Have fun while practicing multiplication fact families. Practice all the fact families (1 – 12) in one game or choose which fact families to practice. Your goal is to collect as many marbles as you can by sliding then selecting the trapdoors with two factors that multiply to make the number on the marble.
How to Play
A marble with a number on it will land on your spring. When the timer in the upper right corner goes off, the spring will pop and the marble will launch onto the ramp. Slide the first set of trapdoors until you see one factor that multiples to the number on the marble.
For example, suppose the number on the marble is 90. Slide the trapdoors until 10 is visible, then tap 10 to highlight it. 10 will unlock the trapdoor if you highlight it before the marble falls off the top ramp.
If the 10 factor is not highlighted in green soon enough, the marble will roll away. If you unlocked the trapdoor in time, the trapdoor will release and the marble will break through.
But hurry! You must slide and select the second factor on the bottom set of trapdoors. If you tap 9 in time you get to keep the marble and move on to the next marble otherwise the game is over and you can try again.
Some numbers may have more than one answer. For example, suppose the number on the marble was 24. Any combination of 4 x 6, 3 x 8, or 2 x 12 wil unlock both trapdoors; however if you select 2 on the first set then 8 on the second, you will not win the marble.
Behind Mult*Marbles
I designed and developed Mult*Marbles when it was time for one of my daughters to commit the multiplication fact families to memory. An educator, whom I didn’t know, sent me an email around that same time. She asked about a multiplication game since she and her husband, a high school math teacher, both have their students playing Make 10+ and really like it. Feeling great that my kids aren’t the only ones getting value out of my apps, I forged ahead.
It was written using SpriteBuilder and may return to the App Store when I have a chance to re-write it.
Once again, I am so fortunate for artwork from the incredibly talented and ever easy going Yancey Labat.
Privacy Policy
Multiplication Marbles does not collect personal information as defined under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. There are no ads, no connecting to social media, no collecting or sharing of location or any other personal information of any kind, no outside links, no analytics, and no extras to purchase.