POTUS in Order

POTUS in Order
Put each President of the United States (POTUS) in order! POTUS in Order is an educational app designed to help students visualize and learn the presidents in sequence.
Presidents of the United States
Put each President of the United States (POTUS) in order!
POTUS in Order is an educational app designed to help students visualize and learn the presidents in sequence. Get to know the political party, years in office, terms served, and sequence number for each POTUS.
This app is great for Quiz Bowl competitors, APUSH students, trivia masters, and everyone who enjoys learning US history.
How to Play
A page of cards for each of the first 8 presidents will be shown in random positions on your screen. Each card is color-coded to represent the political party and only their portrait and full name are shown. Drag the POTUS whose sequence number in the order of presidents matches the badge number in the center of the screen. For example, if the badge shows 1, drag George Washington’s card to it because George Washington is the 1st president. Complete all the presidents on the page to advance to the next set.
Study Mode
Don’t worry if you don’t know them yet or can’t get through all the presidents before 3 wrong attempts. You can switch Study mode on. The presidents will be lined up in order with facts (including their political party, years in office, terms served, and sequence number) showing. Adjust the slider to start on any page.
Premium features include more information on every POTUS such as Vice President, First Lady, date of birth, age at inauguration, other political offices held, and much, much more! There is even space for you to add your own custom notes.
Context-sensitive buttons and links also allow you to view lists of POTUSes that share a common trait. For example, suppose you are viewing Theodore Roosevelt. When you tap the “42” link, you will list all the POTUSes that were inaugurated in their 40s. Or tap the “Governor” link to view all POTUSes who served as Governor. Press the “Republican” button to list all the Republican POTUSes. Access premium features in Study mode, by tapping a POTUS. If you have not yet purchased the premium features, view a sample by tapping George Washington, otherwise you will be asked if you want to purchase POTUS in Order Premium. You can also make the in-app purchase from the About screen.
Behind POTUS in Order
I used Unity (2018.4.13f1 Personal, 2020.2.4f1 from v2.0, 2023.1.13f1 from v2.2, 6000.0.11f1 from v2.2.4, 6000.0.32f1 from v2.3) to develop this 2D game and designed it to make learning U.S. history a little more fun and visual.
POTUS in Order is not affiliated with any government agency. All sources are listed within the app.
Privacy Policy
POTUS in Order contains no ads, no connecting to social media, and no outside links. POTUS in Order Premium is available as an In-App Purchase. The In-App Purchasing module has dependencies on third-party SDKs for Analytics. The data collection practices for Analytics can be found at Apple’s privacy survey and Google Play Data safety section for Analytics and summaries are listed below for your convenience:
- Collect contact info data, health and fitness, financial data? NO
- Collect Precise Location? NO
- Collect Coarse Location? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Collect sensitive data, contacts, emails, texts, photos, videos, audio, customer support or other user content, browsing or search history? NO
- Collect user ID such as screen name, handle, account ID, assigned user ID, customer number or other user- or account-level ID that can be used to identify a particular user or account? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Collect device’s advertising identifier or other device-level ID? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Collect purchases or purchase tendencies? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Collect product interaction data? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Collect advertising or other usage data? NO
- Collect crash data? NO
- Collect performance or other diagnostic data? YES, Linked to user for Analytics
- Does the SDK collect or share any of the required user data types? YES
- Is all of the data collected by the SDK encrypted in transit? YES (over SSL)
- Does the SDK collect the user’s approximate location? YES for App functionality, but not the user’s precise location
- Does the SDK collect the user’s name, email, address or other personal information? NO, POTUS in Order does not record any user personal information
- Does the SDK collect the user’s personal identifiers? YES as a randomly generated installation ID
- Does the SDK collect the user’s purchase history? YES, the In-App Purchasing service forwards transaction events for users to be able to analyze their transactions
- Does the SDK collect the user’s credit card, debit card, bank account number, or other financial info? NO, POTUS in Order does not record user’s credit card, debit card, bank account number, or other financial info
- Does the SDK collection user health or fitness info, emails or messages, photos or videos, sound, music or audio, files or documents, calendar events, contacts, app activity, or web browsing? NO, POTUS in Order does not record any of that data
- Does the SDK collect crash logs, app diagnostics, any other app performance data? YES
- Does the SDK collect data on the user’s device or other identifiers? YES (Installation ID, IDFV, and IDFA)